MLS Search Results
- 9 Eugenia , Kiawah Island - $15,500,000
- 140 Flyway , Kiawah Island - $12,995,000
- 3213 Middle , Sullivans Island - $10,995,000
- 6500 Parkers Ferry , Adams Run - $10,320,000
- 5434 Chaplins Landing , Hollywood - $7,999,000
- 2 Falcon Point , Kiawah Island - $7,800,000
- 3504 Palm , Isle of Palms - $7,700,000
- 957 Pitt St , Mount Pleasant - $7,499,000
- 2402 Palm , Isle of Palms - $7,480,000
- 2298 Raven , Sullivans Island - $7,195,000
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